Expand to view more details.This is the recommended retail price, but the price you pay depends on the retailer and the specials available on the day.
enter value/s in increments of 1 between 0 and 72
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Detergent type
Whether the dishwasher detergent is a tablet, powder, gel or sheet.
Cost per wash
Calculated on the price we purchased at. This will vary based on the size of the pack you buy and specials available on the day.
enter value/s in increments of i between 0 and 1.52
Washes per pack
This is calculated based on the recommended dose for a normal wash.
enter value/s in increments of i between 15 and 80
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. The rating ranks from A (highest) to F (lowest); N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Egg yolk removal score
Pre-soiled plates, with stains most commonly difficult to remove from a plate, are loaded into a dishwasher and cleaned. Plates are scanned via a spectrophotometer to detect how much soil is removed.
enter value/s in increments of i between 4 and 91
Rice starch removal score
Pre-soiled plates, with stains most commonly difficult to remove from a plate, are loaded into a dishwasher and cleaned. Plates are scanned via a spectrophotometer to detect how much soil is removed.
enter value/s in increments of i between 6 and 90
Baked-on diet cheese removal score
Pre-soiled plates, with stains most commonly difficult to remove from a plate, are loaded into a dishwasher and cleaned. Plates are scanned via a spectrophotometer to detect how much soil is removed.
enter value/s in increments of i between 11 and 93
Red wine removal score
Pre-soiled plates, with stains most commonly difficult to remove from a plate, are loaded into a dishwasher and cleaned. Plates are scanned via a spectrophotometer to detect how much soil is removed.
enter value/s in increments of i between 2 and 61
Coffee removal score
Pre-soiled plates, with stains most commonly difficult to remove from a plate, are loaded into a dishwasher and cleaned. Plates are scanned via a spectrophotometer to detect how much soil is removed.
enter value/s in increments of i between 2 and 88
Minced meat removal score
Pre-soiled plates, with stains most commonly difficult to remove from a plate, are loaded into a dishwasher and cleaned. Plates are scanned via a spectrophotometer to detect how much soil is removed.
enter value/s in increments of i between 13 and 92
pH results
Tested at 1% solution at 20°C. A pH of 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and greater than 7 is alkaline.
enter value/s in increments of i between 7.167 and 11.052
Dissolvable wrapper
Does the dishwasher tablet have a soluble wrapper?
Cruelty free claim
The detergent hasn’t been tested on animals. This is claimed on the packaging, which we haven’t tested or verified.
Phosphate free claim
Phosphates help soften the water and keep extracted dirt in suspension. But high levels of phosphorus can lead to excessive growth of blue-green algae in inland waterways.
Septic safe claim
This generally means the detergent is low in phosphorus and sodium, and will break down within a septic tank without affecting the bacteria. This is claimed on the packaging, which we haven’t tested or verified.
Country of origin
Where the product was manufactured. Take this with a grain of salt though, because ingredients may have been sourced from a variety of countries.
Biodegradable surfactants claim
Does the product claim to contain biodegradable surfactants or ingredients?
Greywater safe claim
This generally means that the detergent does not contain chemicals or ingredients that could contaminate a grey water system. This is claimed on the packaging, which we haven't tested or verified.
Included in this review
- Biodegradable surfactants claim
- Greywater safe claim
- Recommended
- Washes per pack
- CHOICE Expert Rating
- Egg yolk removal score
- Rice starch removal score
- Baked-on diet cheese removal score
- Red wine removal score
- Coffee removal score
- Minced meat removal score
- pH results
- Price
- Cost per wash
- Pack size
- Dissolvable wrapper
- Rinse aid claim
- Phosphate free claim
- Cruelty free claim
- Septic safe claim
- Shop Ethical rating
- Country of origin
- Listed ingredients