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CHOICE response to HBF returning COVID profits to members

Quotes attributable to CHOICE Health Insurance Campaigner Dean Price.

Quotes attributable to CHOICE Health Insurance Campaigner Dean Price:

"HBF are doing the right thing by returning $40 million in windfall gains made during the early days of the pandemic to their members. CHOICE is calling on the rest of the health insurance industry to follow through on their promise to members and return the profits they made during the shut down and delays to health services."

"The flip-flopping by other insurers must stop right now. Insurers must tell their members how and when they are going to return the windfall gains they made due to COVID-19. Back in April last year the private health industry lobby group said that, "We absolutely guarantee we will pay the money back, we're not going to make a profit out of COVID." (1) Now is the time for the whole industry to deliver on their promises to members."

"If the rest of the industry doesn't act before the premium rise due on 1 April, then the Australian Government must appoint an independent umpire to make sure that all windfall gains are handed back to people."

Media contact: 0430 172 669, [email protected]

(1) Coronavirus: Cash back for health fund members from COVID-19