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Turntable and record player reviews

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Last updated: 18 April 2023


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Turntables are arguably more common than CD players these days but there's a lot to understand if you want to get the best sound quality out of your record collection. There are plenty of models that look lovely but don't have good quality components that really matter (and some can even damage your LPs).

Our expert testers review auto and manual turntables to tell you which models:

  • have the best sound quality using wired and wireless (Bluetooth) connectivity
  • are easiest to set up and use
  • have the best technical performance to help deliver accurate sound.

We've also partnered with Shop Ethical on this update to show the ratings the Ethical Consumer Group gives to each company.

We also gather data on important features and specifications so you can find models that let you adjust tracking force and anti-skate, identify the drive and motor types, and look for important features such as built-in pre-amps, damped cueing, pitch stabilisation and more.

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    Listening score

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    Our listening panel asesses the overall quality of a series of rock, pop and classical tracks, with the speakers plugged in via a wired connection, positioned about two metres away from the listeners.

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    Technical score

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    Our tester assess the difference between the claimed and measured figures for tracking force, rotational speed and frequency response using calibrated reference LPs.

    enter value/s in increments of i between 60 and 93

    Ease of use score

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    Our tester assesses the initial setup of the turntable out of the box, including attaching the platter, belt, and any adjustments that are needed before operation. He also looks at the thoroughness of the instruction manual. Operational aspects assessed include speed selection and cueing a track.

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    Full auto models move the tonearm to the start of record and return it to the holder when each side finishes. Auto stop models stop the record spinning when a side finishes but don't move the tonearm for you. Manual models require you to place and return the arm yourself and don't automatically stop at the end of each side.

      Drive type

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      Direct drive turntables can guarantee rotational speed accuracy, but some people prefer belt drive, arguing that it isolates motor noise from the platter.

        Bluetooth output

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        Gives you the option to wirelessly connect the turntable to a Bluetooth speaker or receiver.

          Included in this review

          Members-only access
          • Recommended
          • CHOICE Expert Rating
          • Listening score
          • Ease of use score
          • Technical score
          • Bluetooth listening score
          • Good points
          • Bad points
          • Price
          • Shop Ethical rating
          • Operation
          • Drive type
          • Pre-amp built in
          • Bluetooth input
          • Bluetooth output
          • AUX input
          • Tracking force adjustment
          • Anti-skate bias adjustment
          • Tone arm clamp
          • Damped cueing
          • Pitch stabilisation
          • 45rpm spindle adapter
          • On/off switch
          • Stop/start
          • Removable hinged lid
          • 78rpm support
          • Cartridge model
          • Cartridge type
          • Recommended tracking force (gf)
          • Number of feet
          • Weight (kg)
          • Platter construction
          • Platter mat
          • Speed change mechanism
          • Stylus model
          • Stylus type
          • Stylus shape
          • Motor type
          • Dimensions (H x W x D, mm)
          • Warranty (years)
          • Country of origin

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