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Bubble tea reviews

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Last updated: 25 May 2023


Checked for accuracy by our qualified verifiers and subject experts. Find out more about fact-checking at CHOICE.

We've tested 21 of Australia's top supermarket bubble teas from brands including Chatime, Avalanche and Bubbleme, to find the best.

For our taste test we asked shoppers at Top Ryde Shopping Centre in NSW to try a selection of 21 bubble tea samples and then vote for their favourite. We had about 15 public taste testers test each sample. We also enlisted CHOICE staff to take part in an additional taste test.

The CHOICE score is based on the taste test results (80%), nutrition score (Health Star Rating, 10%), and ease of preparation score (10%).

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List of brands we tested in this review.


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    Pack price in Sydney supermarkets and grocery chains (not on special).

    enter value/s in increments of 1 between 5 and 29.95

    Milk or fruit base

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    Milk bubble tea tends to contain dairy while fruit bubble tea is generally plant-based. However, if you have any specific dietary requirements it's worth checking the ingredients list to confirm.

      Taste test score

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      We asked shoppers at Top Ryde Shopping Centre in NSW to try a selection of 21 bubble tea samples and then vote for their favourite. We had about 15 public taste testers test each sample. We also enlisted CHOICE staff to take part in an additional taste test. All participants were asked to score the samples on taste, texture, smell and appearance.

      enter value/s in increments of i between 0 and 96

      Ease of preparation score

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      We assessed how easy the tea is to prepare.

      enter value/s in increments of i between 20 and 90

      Price per serve

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      Product only, based on the price paid for specified pack sizes in Sydney supermarkets and grocery chains (not on special).

      enter value/s in increments of i between 1.44 and 5

      Health Star Rating

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      The bubble tea's Health Star Rating, rated from half a star (less healthy) to five stars (more healthy).

        Included in this review

        Members-only access
        • Serving size when prepared (g)
        • Servings per pack
        • Health Star Rating
        • Milk or fruit base
        • Topping
        • CHOICE score
        • Taste test score
        • Ease of preparation score
        • Pack size (g)
        • Price
        • Price per serve
        • Energy per serve (kJ)
        • Energy per 100g (kJ)
        • Protein per 100g (g)
        • Fat per 100g (g)
        • Saturated fat per 100g (g)
        • Sugars per 100g (g)
        • Sodium per 100g (mg)
        • Ingredients
        • Country of origin

        Product selected for a detailed comparison

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