If you're in pain, you want to deal with it ASAP. And you want to know that whatever path you take – analgesics, alternative medicines or massage therapy – is going to work. There are plenty of products aimed at managing pain, but it can be hard to know which ones actually do what they say on the box. We guide you through the available options to help find what's best for you.
Headache, back ache or just a pain in your…neck? We’ve got you covered when it comes to getting relief.
First look: GroundingWell grounding socks
These expensive socks promise health benefits, but they're not that down to Earth.
Migraine and headache pain relief
Brain pain can range from hangover headaches to debilitating migraines. We look at medicinal and herbal treatments you can use to nurse your noggin.
Dr Google, be gone! CHOICE is the voice you can trust when it comes to researching, understanding and treating a wide variety of ailments and illnesses.
Health and body
Get the best products and latest news in health and body, with the help of our experts.
Muscles, bones and joints
Backaches can be a pain at best, and affect your quality of life at worst. We look at the options for managing back pain.