A credit card can be both a blessing and a curse. Sure, it can get you out of some sticky situations, but it can get you into some even stickier ones. If you've found yourself in the red thanks to a shopping spree or unexpected bills, you'll want to be sure that your card has the lowest interest rate around and no sneaky fees. Our articles and guide will help you compare credit card providers so you can choose the best – and get out of debt faster.
Credit cards
Credit cards
Don't like debt? We'll help you find the best value credit card with the lowest interest rate.
Buying guides
How to choose the best credit card
Advice and tips to help you avoid falling into a debt trap.
Latitude Finance interest-free offers can cost plenty
Latitude Finance is partnering with Apple and others on interest-free credit card offers, but beware sky-high interest rates if you don't pay the balance in time.
Retirees denied credit cards: Responsible lending or discrimination?
Retirees say they're being unfairly denied credit, but the banking industry says it's just following the rules.
Debt collectors often overstepping guidelines
Financial counsellors say consumers are being harassed by debt collectors who ignore the regulator's guidelines.
Sky-high Velocity Global Wallet inactivity fees costing customers hundreds
A radical change in the travel money card's terms and conditions has caught cardholders by surprise – and cost them plenty.
Keep safe lending laws intact, urge consumer rights groups
The bid to scuttle consumer credit protections reaches the Senate.
How do card chargebacks work?
We explain how to get a transaction reversed on your card and what you can do if you run into problems.
No interest, no late fees, no worries? NAB and CBA launch interest-free credit cards
The big banks' latest push back on the fintech sector offers young Australians a whole new way to fall into debt.
The 10 costliest credit cards in Australia – and why you should avoid them
With interest rates higher than 20%, these credit cards can really cost you in the long run.
The great credit card rip-off – and how much extra we’ve paid
The cash rate has dropped from 4.75% to 0.25% since 2011, but credit card rates have barely budged. We list the worst offenders
What never-ending credit card debt is doing to Australians
Easy credit – and the high interest that often comes with it – has tied many people to ongoing repayments they can’t afford.
Low-interest credit cards
Why pay high rates with CBA, NAB, ANZ and Westpac?
Credit card cancellation traps
Call, write or visit – but why can't we cancel a credit card online?
Payment card fraud and how to avoid it
Are we in the midst of a financial fraud epidemic?
Car finance options – which loan is best for you?
What to look out for and how to avoid car debt traps.
Interest free loans and credit card balance transfers
0% financing can be tempting, but many deals turn out to be duds.
Credit cards and loans
What to look for, what to avoid, and how to stay out of trouble when borrowing.
Personal finance and money advice
Unbiased advice on insurance, banking, loans, tax and investments, including independent reviews and comparisons of financial products and institutions.